The Tool Called SOCIAL MEDIA.
Hammer is to a Carpenter, as Social Media is to the Rest of the World.
This is a derived post from a previous one regarding the metaverse (see below for link). I mentioned that social media was here to stay and we just have to deal with it.
Since this is a “social media post” and not a thesis paper, I’ll try not to bore my readers with facts and referencing. This is just a little cherry on the cake.
Alright, diving in.
Social media is neither good nor bad; it is a tool that helps us with our everyday life. Politicians use it for campaigns. Businesses use it to reach out to customers; artists to their fans and friends use it to communicate. It is the ideal approach when we want to minimize the world.
Social media is a tool in life – let’s fix this fact. Just like what a hammer is in carpentry; social media is in life. The hammer does not hit itself on a person’s thumb, the person accidentally hits himself. When something bad happens online, we cannot be pointing fingers at the industry saying that social media is the culprit. That’s wide of the mark. It boils down to how an individual uses social media.
Also, if a carpenter hits his nail at a certain angle with the hammer to strengthen the bond between two planks at a junction, then that carpenter has his special way of applying his trade. If he comes across another carpenter using his hammer on a nail at a different angle, then one carpenter cannot correct another and tell him to use it how he wishes. That would be insulting to the other carpenter who is also a jack of his trade.
“Why don’t you go ahead and build this whole house by yourself if you know how to use a hammer so well, Billy?” Won’t be a pleasing thought for Billy's friend Bob to have, now wouldn’t it?
So it would be wise not to try and interfere with how someone is using their social media account. Unless of course, they are breaking the law.
Let’s say, John, who is not a carpenter, by the way, gets his hands on a hammer and starts going around the neighborhood at night opening windows while people are sleeping. He’s now committing a burglary with a hammer in his possession. That is a gross misuse of the tool; John is misusing the hammer to commit a crime.
So looking at the overall picture, we cannot blame the hammer and say because of this tool, a crime was committed last night. That would be an incorrect conclusion. It might be just an exhibit in court later, however, it is just a tool.
That same tool can be used to build a house also, and a market table for Mama Eli down the road. It was up to John and how he used that hammer; likewise, it is up to every individual and how they use social media. So going back to our fictitious burglary incident, John is clearly at fault and not the hammer.
So use social media wisely, and how you prefer to use it, that's up to you. After all, we are all paying for our flex cards.
But, never break the law. Don't be like our friend John.
Pic Credit: The Spruce
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