Just Do It
Let's say you want to start up a small business. You have the idea, the capital and the will to do so, but one of your friend comes up and say, "Bro, it's too risky. You might lose everything. I don't think it will work."
Not exactly these words but something along that line. He is trying to dissuade you, although he himself might reckon he's doing it for your best interest. This, or maybe a similar scenario where you want to try out something new.
Regardless, you don't listen to any person - whether family or friend, don't listen to their advice if they haven't even tried it out for themselves yet. Don't let their fear of failing influence your decision. It's their fear, not yours. It's your decision, not theirs.
Don't let someone who doesn't know how to swim tell you that you're going to drown when you jump in the lake. That's why you have to learn how to swim first before you can venture out to the deep. Magic word here is LEARN. You learn the lesson, get the knowledge, and then you swim your way forward.
Never let anyone discourage you from trying out something new. Eagles don't take flight instructions from chickens. Remember that.
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