Pinned onto Sofia's notice board.
Somewhere out there, there is a person proclaiming to their friends that her/his ex did this and s/he doesn't deserve a next relationship.
For girls it's highly possible, given the fact that this gender sit around baking and what not, get bored with the sight of the oven and then start to gossip about someone's life.
Let me use myself as an example, but I'll try my best not to degrade anyone here. Ok so for the sake of some concerned individuals, I will say in this example that my 'ex' is from Venezuela and goes by the name of Sofia.
After me and Sofia break up, she decides to pin me up on her notice board to be scrutinized by her Latin American friends. If somehow, a very strong wind blew some of the words they were saying to my ears, honestly I'd be surprised at some things I didn't know about myself. In fact, I don't want to know whatever they said about me, but whatever was said about me, it will all be true according to their own belief.
If Sofia is serving unsubstantiated facts on each and every one of her friends plate, there is no doubt in the world all of them will put their heads together and believe it. Correct me if I am wrong.
She'll mention that I was the one who cheated, she was the one who broke my heart, and we had a big fight and she shot me with her father's rifle. She might also mention that I went to the moon and back, and her gossip companions will believe all that rather than trying to look for proof first.
Anyway, me and the imaginary Sofia aside, let's all try to stay woke. Wouldn't be a pleasant experience knowing that you're friend fed you with lies just to fulfill some personal desire of his/hers.
NB: I'm just throwing this on the floor. Don't try to fit any shoes or anything.
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